Wine culture and terroir
Wine culture and terroir
Where the wines taste like freedom
From Switzerland’s Roman era to the present, from the shores of Lake Neuchâtel to those of Lake Morat and Lake Geneva, the people who work the vineyards of Vaud have challenged terrain and weather to create a truly outstanding product that is as noble as it is enjoyable. Wine, as it is experienced and appreciated in the canton of Vaud, is a key component of our social, economic and cultural fabric. But it is also, due to its character and finesse, the symbol of a spirit of freedom and joie de vivre typical of the Vaud people. Whether Vaud wine is celebrated at the Fête des Vignerons or shared with friends, it forges a unique bond between hard work, pleasure and joy. Our wines are sublime, a living product. They are a cornerstone of our regional identity as well as an invaluable component of Switzerland’s national heritage.